Here are a few highlights from this first part of the journey. Uncle Randy and Auntie Debra were kind enough to take us to the airport and help me get all of my stuff to the check in desk. I was so proud of myself for getting everything in one suitcase and a diaper bag. But I still had to take the laptop, a car seat and Curtis in the stroller!
After successfully getting the suitcase and car seat checked we headed through security. I must say that I'm pretty good and speedily making it through security with all of my stuff and a kid. After getting scanned and then having the security guy check the contents of Curtis's sippy cup, we headed to our gate. (to check the liquid the hold a test strip above the open cup and then pour some liquid on it. we passed the test) Once at the gate I realized that our flight didn't leave for an hour! What was I going to do with a very mobile kid for an hour! Well, I had some toys for him, but really I just let him crawl around.
People didn't mind and I'd scoop him up and bring him back before he got too far away. His favorite part about waiting was finding a cat in a carrier. It belong to this older couple and they were happy to let Curtis look at their cat. The cat on the other hand wasn't too happy, it kept hissing and batting at Curtis from inside its carrier. I finally told Curtis that the cat was done being looked at and that we needed to leave it alone. Finally our plane arrived and we got to board. Now, not to disrespect any BSU fans, but really, an airplane??
Anyhow, Curtis did well on the flight. He passed the time by putting the tray up and down and doing the same with the armrest. My two favorite parts was that the seat next to us was empty and that the flight was only 1.5 hours. Mr. Curtis didn't get an afternoon nap and was getting hungry. We made it to Sacramento without mishap and had a great evening with my mom and grandma.
I'm amazed at how awesome you are, mama! Hope you have a wonderful time and tell Shelly congrats!!