Friday, August 27, 2010


My little monkey isn't so little anymore. He had a check up this week and weighed in at 20 lbs (24th %tile) and 31.25 inches long(96th %tile)! His doctor is happy with his growth and development but would like to see him put on a few pounds. I got the go ahead to wean him to whole milk, mix his cereal with half and half, and feed him breakfast meats like sausage, bacon and ham. That was the best news for Travis. I was ecstatic to hear that I could wean him. I have been blessed to be able to nurse him this long and am grateful, but I'm kind of tired of it. The dr. also informed me that he doesn't need to be eating every three hours at night. His waking and wanting to nurse is most likely for comfort and he needs to learn to put himself back to sleep. Let me just say that this is way easier said than done. Curtis is one stubborn kid and boy does he know how to throw a fit.

But night time is now not the only time that he puts up a fight. He now also fights going down for naps. It was not so long ago that when it was nap time I would put him in his bed, give him his blanket and binki and that was that. Now, to get him to sleep, he insists on being rocked and still puts up a fight. It is very frustrating and tiring.

Meal time is not as pleasant as it used to be. He doesn't want to eat what I usually feed him, but he doesn't want the new stuff that I'm giving him either. Extra pressure came when I was told to fatten him up and that he is anemic.

I guess when it comes down to it I just need to have a little more patience and remember that I don't have to have all of the answers all the time. And even though my little man is no longer this:

He is still pretty darn cute.


  1. Yay!! I'm so glad you're blogging now!! I will be your faithful follower. :)
    I can certainly sympathize with your feeding time woes. Motherhood is all about patience and mealtime has always been my biggest exercise in patience. :) Hang in there, you're doing great!

  2. it! I am super bad at posting, because my life has become so busy, but I will try to be better now, too! Love you!

  3. Yes, he is very cute. I'm all about arranged marriages, as Becky Preece can confirm. How about I put a downpayment on a dowry so he and Lauren can get together in about 20 years or so?
