Wednesday, September 15, 2010

San Diego and the Wedding!

Sorry it's taken so long to finish posting about our trip, but life is crazy! Well, maybe not crazy, but a little busy. Anyway, after the crazy weekend with Doug, I decided that Curtis and I needed some down time. The poor little guy had gotten very few naps over the last few days and I was just exhausted. We did however take time to go to the beach! It was a bit chilly so we didn't stay long, but Curtis loved the waves washing over his feet as the tide came and went. He however was not a fan of getting sand in his mouth! There was also a nice family next to us that let Curtis play with their toys.

After the beach we got to meet up with some friends of mine from UC Davis and have lunch with them. It was really nice catching up and just amazes me that you can go for years without seeing someone and it seems like nothing has really changed, even though we both have a kid now!
Over the next few days my mom and I helped Shelly finish getting stuff ready for her wedding. It was fun and weird all at the same time. It's one thing to say she's getting married, but it's another for it to be reality. She has always been my little sister and it is hard for me to realize that she is old enough to be getting married! It just doesn't register. I'm sure those of you who have younger siblings know what I'm talking about. We had errands to run, a backyard to get ready for the reception, which turned out amazing thanks to her FIL! He did a great job stringing up the lanterns. I got to give her the wedding night talk. Thankfully she has married friends that had also talked to her. We got our nails done and just had some fun time together. It was also nice having my mom there. We are all great friends and I love it!
Finally the comes and I'd love to say it went off without a hitch, but that would be a lie. Fortunately, nothing catastrophic happened and they did get married, which is all that really matters. The sealing took place in the gorgeous San Diego Temple! It took place almost an hour late due to some poor planning on part of the temple workers. (No worries, I still believe that the church is true, but Travis questions the validity of that temple. :)) B/c of the luncheon that was planned there wasn't much time for pictures at the temple, but the photographer got a few anyway. The luncheon was great! David's family picked a great restaurant and it was fun spending time with my older brother and his family that I rarely see.

The happy couple!

Curtis and his dad!

The reception was great. There was authentic Mexican food! The lady even made homemade tortillas right there in the backyard! Awesome! The cake was about 30 mins late to the reception and I stepped in to help finish putting it together. A friend of Shelly's did the cake and nothing went her way that day. But, it looked fine and everybody loved it.
Travis enjoyed chatting flower with the gentleman that did Shelly's flowers. I didn't get many pictures at the reception b/c I was too busy running around making sure Shelly had a perfect night! And she did!! Mission accomplished! My SIL and some of Shelly's friends even decorated their getaway car and gave them a nice goody basket. (those pics are on my mom's camera)

All in all it was a great trip. I loved seeing and getting to spend time with my family and soak up some California sun, but in the end I was happy to come home. Dorthy was right when she said, "There's no place like home". And it's true, no matter where your home is, it's the best place to be. :)

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