Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mt. Everest

The inevitable has happened. Curtis has conquered Mount Everest. Now what is his Mount Everest? It would be the toy storage bins that came down from his room a few months ago. We bout them at IKEA before he was born and they have been up in his room since. But since he never plays in his room and most of his toys are downstairs I decided to bring the storage bin downstairs to store all of his toys. I knew at the time that eventually our little climber would be big enough to climb on it. I was hoping it wouldn't be so soon.

The other day I was in the kitchen making dinner when I hear Curtis laughing. I look up and this is what I see:
Let me tell you. He was pretty proud of himself. Look at that big cheesy grin! I on the other hand was not so happy. Shortly after taking this picture he knocked the wooden animals off the ledge and broke the wheels off. No amount of disciple would keep him off of his new found mountain.

Since this first incident I have removed everything from the ledge. I have also given up trying to keep him off of it. He just loves it and nothing will keep him off. In fact this morning after he was done eating his breakfast he crawled over and climbed up on the second step. And there he stayed for quite some time. It was nice to not have him underfoot while I cleaned up the kitchen and made muffins.

I do love this boy and love his ambition and drive and hope that it will take him great places in life.


  1. I LOVE that picture of him peeking over the wall! You can totally tell how proud he is of himself. I have such a cute little nephew! :)

  2. It's so true. He was very proud of himself. :)
