Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mom Moment

I had total mom moment this morning. But let's start with last night. I got hit with a bit of a stomach bug late yesterday afternoon and didn't feel well at all last night. And since it always seems to be that when I have a rough night Curtis wants to get up early the next day he was jabbering at 7 this morning. (I know it's not early, but he usually gets up at 8). Travis went to go rock him back to sleep when I hear him say that I'm not the only one who is sick. Yep, Curtis puked in his bed and then slept in it! The front of his pj's was soaked and the had regurgitated mac and cheese stuck in his ear like a big ear plug. Gross, I know. I also learned that he doesn't chew his raisins b/c they came back up in the form of grapes. Thankfully Curtis loves baths and was happy to get in the tub. Although, he didn't enjoy getting all of the crusty nastiness scrubbed off his face. Lucky for me I felt better this morning and was able to get Curtis cleaned up and washed his bedding. I know it's a bit gross, but I felt that it was worthy of sharing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's super gross! Marshall did the same thing this winter. A first for us. Ah motherhood. I hope the Mother of the Year Awards Committee will be able to find our doors!
