Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am totally willing to admit that I am a Halloween Scrooge. Now, this is no fault of my mother's or a result of some horrible childhood experience. My mom made me some very cute costumes when I was a kid. But, as I have gotten older I have never been good at coming up with costumes and find the idea of knocking on people's doors and expecting them to give you candy is just an odd concept to me. But, now I have a kid and I feel that in all fairness to him I should have a little more enthusiasm. Thankfully I can gradually get there. This year Halloween consisted of going to the ward Trunk-or-Treat and Curtis visiting grandparents and great grandparents. Travis and I did have a chance to leave Curtis with his grandparents and go to my work's Halloween party. It was nice to get out for a bit, but I was super tired so we when the alcohol started freely flowing, we left.

Curtis sporting Travis's wig at the trunk-or-treat.

Curtis the cow! Moooo

All in all it was a low key weekend with a few festivities. I must say though that I don't know what is up with kids these days. (like I'm even old enough to say that, but I am). Sunday night our porch light was off but I could be seen through the window next to the door sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner. Some trick-or-treater rang the door bell. I didn't have any candy so I didn't answer the door. And when I didn't they rang the door bell again! Am I wrong in assuming that if your porch light is off kids aren't supposed to come to the door and PARENTS shouldn't let them? Not to end on a negative note, but come on people.

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