Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Curtis Boy!

*disclaimer* I'm not eloquent in writing, or talking for that matter, but am going to do my best to express myself.

Memory is a funny thing. I don't have that great of a memory, in my opinion, but I remember clearly everything about the day Curtis was born. I won't share any details, but it was quite the day.

But this day was far from eventful. Poor Curtis started the day by getting 4 shots! It was time for his 12 month immunizations and a flu shot. He hated it, but got to have some chocolate milk when he got home. :) He then spent the rest of the day napping and hanging out with me. :)

The night before his birthday was quite fun though. We had a birthday party!! We invited a few friends and family. Curtis "opened" his gifts. Mostly I dumped gifts our of bags or helped tear the paper. He throughly enjoyed the truck and cars that his Grandam & Grandpa Edwards gave him.

After presents we sang to Curtis and he got to eat his cupcake! He thoroughly enjoyed it and hardly made a mess. :)

It was great fun and I can't believe that Curtis is a year old! He is such a smart little boy. He amazes me every day at the things he does. He crawls up and down the stairs, loves to throw things down the stairs. He loves to play with his car and make "vroom vroom" sounds. He pulls himself up and likes to cruise around the furniture. I think that it will still be a few months before he starts walking, which is fine by me. :) I love my sweet, happy boy. I have enjoyed these past 12 months and look forward to all of the adventures of the next year!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy how fast the time goes! I swear it was just yesterday that we were pregnant. Happy birthday sweet boy!
